PRP For Hair Loss

PRP For Hair Loss

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a non-surgical procedure for hair regrowth, best used for treating thinning hair and slowing or stopping the progression of hair loss. Losing your hair can be a hugely distressing thing to go through and it can have an impact on your self-esteem.

PRP treatment encourages the growth of existing hair follicles, making your hair appear fuller and healthier without resorting to surgery. It is therefore the most natural way to stimulate hair growth.

Why choose PRP?

Hair loss is generally caused by a lack of cell renewal in the scalp – which makes PRP the perfect treatment as it stimulates the production of new healthy cells. It is a simple and totally natural. PRP provides safe and reliable results and has a very quick recovery period. Only a small amount of blood is taken as though you are having your routine blood testing and local anesthesia is used, so you experience very minimal discomfort. PRP Hair treatments provides effective results with high success rate.

What can PRP achieve?

  • Fuller and healthier natural-looking hair
  • Significantly increase of hair regrowth
  • Production of new healthy cells
  • Decreased hair dystrophy and burning or itching sensation
  • Can serve as a safe and effective treatment option in Alopecia areata (AA)

The PRP procedure

PRP is prepared from an extract of your own blood.

  • To do this, 20ml of blood is drawn from your arm
  • The blood is then placed in a centrifuge. The centrifuge spins and separates the platelets from the rest of the blood components
  • 3 – 6 ml of platelet-rich plasma will then be extracted
  • The concentrated and growth factor-concentrated platelets are injected into the scalp via micro injections

After your PRP procedure

You cannot wash your hair for 12 hours post procedure and it is recommended that strenuous activity and alcohol consumption is be avoided for 24 hours post procedure.

The results of PRP can usually be seen between two to three months post treatment. Depending on your type of hair loss, and the extent of the loss, PRP for hair restoration is usually recommended as a course of 3 to 6 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart. Then depending on your individual needs, a maintenance session once a year is usual.

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