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CPD Provider

If you are embarking on a career in beauty therapy then there are two common avenues for professional development, they are Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Beauty Courses or Accredited Beauty Qualifications.

Understanding the differences between these are crucial for aspiring beauty therapists seeking to enhance their expertise or enter the beauty industry.

CPD Beauty Courses are flexible, short-term, skill-specific and designed to help professionals update their knowledge and acquire new skills. It allows practitioners to focus on specific areas of interest or target emerging trends. These courses are often tailored to accommodate the busy schedules of working professionals.

What are the advantages & disadvantages of CPD Beauty Courses:

  1. Flexibility and Specialisation: It enables beauty therapists to customise their learning experience based on specific areas of interest, such as advanced skincare techniques, trending beauty treatments, or business management skills.
  2. Time-Efficient: Typically shorter in duration, it offers a quicker way to acquire new skills without committing to an extensive qualification.
  3. Adaptability to Industry Changes: Beauty trends and technologies evolve rapidly and it provides a means for professionals to stay current with industry advancements.
  4. No Accreditation: CPDs are not nationally or internationally recognised therefore some employers or insurance companies may not accept them. This could also exclude beauty therapists when the new government guidelines come into affect in the near future.

Accredited Beauty Qualifications provides a solid foundation, it involves comprehensive and structured courses recognised by accrediting bodies such as VTCT, Focus Awards, Qualifi etc. These courses provide an in-depth understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of beauty therapy. Accredited beauty qualifications are often completed by individuals pursuing a formal career in the beauty industry.

What are the advantages & disadvantages of Accredited Beauty Qualifications:

  1. Comprehensive Curriculum: Qualifications cover a wide range of topics, ensuring a well-rounded education in beauty therapy, including Anatomy & Physiology, Basic Facials, Aesthetics and Clinic Management.
  2. Industry Recognition: Employers and clients often prioritise beauty therapists with accredited qualifications, considering them to possess a standardised level of expertise. Qualifications are also nationally and sometimes internationally recognised.
  3. Professional Development: Qualifications offer a pathway for career progression, providing a solid foundation for those aspiring to become trainers, clinic managers or owners, or specialists in specific areas of beauty therapy.
  4. Time-constraint: Qualifications may take longer to complete compared to CPDs, this is due to students needing to complete a portfolio, practice assessments and exams. However, some providers such as Elixir Skin Training do offer flexible Fast Track courses.

How do I choose the right path: The decision between CPD beauty courses and accredited beauty qualifications ultimately depends on individual career goals, preferences, and time constraints. However, do your own research and decide which option may suit your needs.

Choose the right learning path that aligns with your aspirations to become a beauty professional, have a look at our Blog section to find out more.

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